Kami PT. SUKSES KARYA MANDIRI, Menjual Berbagai Macam Besi :

Besi As ,
Besi As St41 ,
Besi As ST42 ,
Besi As ST 60 ,
Besi As St90 ,
Besi As Kotak ,
Besi Virkan Polos ( besi nako ) ,
Besi Virkan Ulir ,
As Stainless Stainless,
Besi beton polos ( besi round bar) ,
Besi beton ulir ( besi deformed bar ) ,
Besi beton SNI ,
Besi beton U30 ,
Besi beton U24 ,
Besi beton KS polos ,
Besi beton KS ulir ,
Besi beton sertifikat,
Besi WF / Besi IWF ( Besi Wide Flange ) ,
Besi H ( Besi H-beam ) ,
Besi INP ,
Besi WF GG ( besi WF Gunung Garuda ) ,
Besi WF Import ,
Besi H-beam GG ( Besi H-beam Gunung Garuda ) ,
Besi WF sertifikat ,
Besi H-beam sertifikat, Besi Kanal U ( Besi UNP ) ,
Besi UNP Galvanis ,
Besi Kanal C ( Besi CNP ) ,
Besi UNP standar JIS ,
Besi CNP standar JIS,
Besi siku ,
Besi siku SNI ,
Besi siku KS ,
Besi siku non standar ,
Besi siku lubang ,
Besi siku galvanis hot dip ,
Besi siku lubang

Untuk Pemesanan, Silahkan Hubungi kami :

Distributor, Supplier And Agent Product Of Iron, Stainless Steel, Galvanized, Copper, Alloys And Plastics.

Kantor/ Office :
Jl. Guru Mughi No.20A, Setiabudi, Jakarta Selatan 12950-Indonesia.
Telp : +6281284305364
E-mail : sales.sukseskarya@gmail.com

Gudang/ Warehouse/ Workshop :
Kawasan Industri dan Pergudangan Marunda Center Blok A 6
Kav 15 – 17, Bekasi, Jawa Barat 17211 Indonesia.